Friday, February 1, 2013

How to Write a Candidate Rejection Letter

Small business owners love to meet new people and nothing makes them feel better than to tell a candidate “You got the job!” But you can’t tell everyone that. You do have to tell the others something, and that’s where writing the rejection comes in. Here’s how to write a formal rejection tactfully and as kindly as possible.

It may be best to start with a follow up phone call. If you do that, thank them for their time and interest, but clearly state that you are offering the position to someone else. Then follow up with the rejection letter right away. Be prompt with these—don’t leave people wondering for weeks on end if they got the job.

The letter itself is known as a “thanks, but no thanks” letter. First, if the person fit the company culture and may qualify for other roles, you can encourage that person to apply again for something else in the future. Personalize the letter with the candidate’s name, the position and a remark about the interview. You don’t want them to think they just received a form rejection letter, even if they did. It’s best to keep it short and to the point. Make sure to be business-like, but gracious, and never say anything you don’t mean—only say they should apply for future openings if you mean it. Even though this is a rejection, you want the person to form a favorable opinion of your company because this is important for your reputation as an employer.

Rejection letters are never fun, but they have to be written to avoid “leaving people hanging.” Do so with honesty, politeness, and your best judgment and it won’t be so bad. Make it happen!

© 2013 eMarketing 4 Business LLC

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