Friday, June 28, 2013

What to Consider Before You Outsource

Outsourcing task or getting products from an outsourced vendor can help small businesses grow by freeing up more time to do whatever is at the core of the business even more effectively. You might know exactly what you need to outsource and who you’re going to work with, or you may be in that crucial decision making process. If outsourcing is still a future plan, consider these aspects before you do so.

How established is the vendor or individual? Have they been around for a long time or are they just starting out? Is there track record for deadlines, quality, and customer service positive or shaky? The way this vendor runs their business will affect how you run yours, so do your research to make sure this affect is positive for you. Check references and contact some of their other clients to get a better idea of how they work.

How will you monitor the vendor’s impact? Develop a system for keeping track of what they are doing, how long key processes are taking, and evaluating whether you investment in this company is worth the time for your business. Another thing to think about is are your employees comfortable with this new vendor’s relationship with the company? Some positions may not be effected at all and others may be directly. Have you had a conversation about the upcoming changes while addressing their concerns?

Have you set expectations and goals for the vendor and communicated them? Both businesses need to know what is expected from the other to make this partnership run smoothly.  Be specific and get assurance that they are confident they can meet all of your needs and expectations before things are finalized. Finally, how will you communicate the ins and outs of your business with the vendor? What methods and schedules will you have for communication in general? Working this out ahead of time will save you stress down the road. They will need to be absorbed in the key knowledge of your business that impacts what they’ll be doing for you. Make it happen!

© 2013 eMarketing 4 Business LLC

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